Chanel and CUS first years take part in a Marist Ethos Day in St. Mary's College Dundalk
Thirty 1st year boys from CUS and Chanel College shared a bus from Dublin to Dundalk on May 9th where they were warmly welcomed by the staff and students of St. Mary’s for a Marist Ethos day.

The day began with the students explaining where their schools are
located and naming local landmarks with which the other students might be familiar. We established that CUS is at the top of Grafton street and Chanel college is 15 minutes from the airport. Also Coolock village is not a village in the traditional country sense! The students shared how many students are in their schools, compared subjects available and discussed what they have in their schools that conveys their Marist spirit.

They noticed how similar their crests are and how the Marist Flower is displayed either in all rooms in the school or printed in the school journal. They explored how everyone is welcome and teachers, and all staff have a warm and friendly nature as Our Lady exemplified.

They explored the Beatitudes in a very creative and engaging way as students from the three schools all sat together at the one table. Students had an opportunity to explore 9 different prayer stations which had objects linked to the beatitudes for students to pray while completing an action. For forgiveness students took a wooden peg which they attached to a sheet with forgive printed on it as they thought of and prayed for forgiveness either for themselves and others. The students moved from one prayer station to the next as sometimes they demonstrated to the following group what to do.

The students all played basketball after sharing a delicious lunch in the canteen. The day was rounded off with a fun Table quiz with students from the three schools on every team.
A great day was had by all- the 1st years commented on how much fun they had and asked if they can go back when they are in Transition Year.
Thanks to Catherine and Rosie and all the welcoming staff and students from St. Mary’s Dundalk for organising a fun filled day for everyone!